Turning ADHD and Dyslexia into Superpowers
Back in 1986, Roger Healy was a sprouting 6-year-old boy whose parents noticed there was something off about their son, so they took him to get tested. Roger went to the doctor, and the doctor said to Roger, “Roger, you have ADHD.” Roger said to himself, “well, duh.” He remembered doing a book report that was a disaster after spending 17 hours on it. When he got to class, the teacher looked at him with confusion. Roger realized that a book report is when you read a book and share your own thoughts on it, not plagiarize the whole thing. In his own words, he sucked at everything he did; he even called himself a loser and was a straight-C student. He never dated or was picked for sports. On top of all this, he was later diagnosed with dyslexia.
After Roger graduated high school, he was playing basketball with his older friends, he always had older friends, and he said to one of them, “I know I’m not going to have good grades in college, I have zero talents, and if I ever have to put together a resume, there won’t be anything on there to give people a reason to give me the time of day.” His friend put his hand on Roger’s sweaty shoulder and said, “Roger, the first thing you sell is yourself, not your resume.” Those words changed Roger’s life forever, and he realized what he knows best is himself. Now Roger is married, a family man, and is the Founder and CEO of Morrison Seger Venture Capital Partners and The Rogers Healy Companies and is an Investor in 100+ startups and a Music Memorabilia Guru.
People like Roger are why I started InqludedU.com, so people like Roger will never feel left out and always have a place to come to and learn that there are other people like him out there and that he is not the only one.
How I Turned My Learning Disabilities Into a Superpower: