Tips To Help Students With Dyslexia Develop
One of the best things you can do for your child with dyslexia to help them develop is to read to them at night, which goes for any child, especially children with learning differences. It helps your child’s brain develop, and I have always believed that you should read to your baby while still in the womb, generally speaking. Also, dyslexia has nothing to do with their eyesight; it is a neurological disorder in the brain.
Children, in general, can advance at an early age by using hands-on learning methods, such as letter blocks. I myself actually remember when I started to use pop-up books to help me learn how to read, and it did because it was not just another picture book with words; these pictures would actually pop out of the book and made it even more fun for me to read. At my school, The Lab School of Washington, DC, we would have different types of clubs for our classes. One of our clubs was the Cave Club, where instead of just reading from books and having a teacher teach us about the cavemen days, we would put on skins before we went into the classroom that looked almost like an actual cave and sit by a plastic fire.
Test-taking is the devil for every person with dyslexia. The only thing that you can do for a child with learning differences to help them with a test is to let them have more time and even let them be in a separate room; you should also give them that option. I had a hard time studying for tests, let alone taking them, so the one method I found that helped me was to actually write down the answers that I thought were correct and then read them to try to remember the question along with the answer. If you have any more questions on tips for children with dyslexia, please go to
Also, speak to the child’s teacher and ask for educational accommodations if needed. This is called a 504 plan, which requires schools by law to provide the accommodations a child needs to learn better and succeed in school. You can also ask for an Individual Educational Plan (IEP) for your child. An IEP is customized to your child’s special educational needs. It is a legal document that the school must provide that outlines the child’s needs and explains the support they will receive.