The Updated Friends of Quinn
I am writing this blog to let my followers know that I have updated my website, Friends Of Quinn, because it has been 10 years since it launched, which I can’t believe. When you have a website, you need to keep it updated with the times. To quote Ferris Bueller: “Life moves pretty fast…if you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” The other reason why I am updating the site is because I’m turning 40 years old on April 29, which I also can’t believe. I want to use my experiences to talk to not only young adults with learning differences, but adults and parents as well.
The updated website has a comprehensive resource guide with articles and links for Parents, Teens and Adults. These include how to tell if a child has a Learning Disability (which I prefer to call a Learning Difference), where to get a diagnosis, how to tackle self-esteem issues, how to handle problems in school, how to manage stress in social settings — and even tips on dating! Our video library may be our most inspiring resource. There are interviews that I have conducted with celebrities including Steven Spielberg, Sir Richard Branson, Whoopi Goldberg and Michael Douglas, about their problems dealing with their own learning issues and those of their children. Please visit