The Season of Love
Love itself is a sea of wooing. The exact definition of wooing or “woo” is to “see the favor, support or custom of.” All of us, especially us men, are nothing more than mere vessels traveling on those seas, and it used to be that there was just one captain of your ship. Well, times have changed. It cannot just be you to captain your ship. It has to be you and your partner. Coming from a family of ship captains and ship traders and someone who has studied the history of seafaring, there are a lot of comparisons between being on the sea and love. I think one concept people have made the mistake of making is that love does not come from the mind, and that is the part that they are wrong about. True love actually comes from the mind and heart being in union; without the mind, the heart would not function, and vice versa. Love is being in union with each other, not just the way that everybody thinks about it, but it’s also being in union with your mind, heart, and soul. It’s being in union with each other’s chemistry. Love is not the process of giving but of sharing; If only one person in the relationship gives and the other one does not, the one that gives will metaphorically die.