Statistics of Planet Earth
I have always wondered what it would be like if I was an alien going from universe to universe and planet to planet. Every time you get to a planet, the computer in your saucer or spaceship will give you the statistics of that planet. Just think if you were able to do that, and then you arrive at planet Earth. Think about the statistics you would receive from your computer before you enter the atmosphere. The computer would read back to you the things that are good, but also everything that’s bad about this planet. It would be something like this:
About 150,000 people die each day across the planet, and about two-thirds, which is about 100,000, of people die every day of age-related causes.
1.9 million new cancer cases are diagnosed, and 608,570 cancer deaths every year.
In 2000, about 14 million people died from heart disease, and in 2019 there were 18 million people that died of heart disease.
In 2020, at least three million people died of Covid-19.
Governments are corrupt.
According to NOAA’s Annual Climate Report, the combined land and ocean temperature has increased at an average rate of 0.11 degrees Fahrenheit (0.06 degrees Celsius per decade since 1850, or about 2 degrees F in total.
Some parents of students will try to bribe their child into the best universities
There is racism in general, not as bad as it used to be, but there still is.
You will get judged simply by who you are and how you look.
In 2022, about 630,000 people died from AIDS worldwide, and 1.3 million people died from AIDS worldwide.
In some places, there is famine and genocide
According to NASA, in the last 30 years, water levels have risen 0.13 inches (3.4 millimeters) per year
480,000 people still die a year from cigarette smoking
In politics, political gain is “the temptation that set rates for short-term political gain rather than long-term economic stability would always get the better of them” - Times, Sunday Times
I think you guys get the idea that if you were an alien going from planet to planet looking at their statistics and then you arrived at Earth, your computer would read you these statistics… you would probably turn around and go somewhere else. We need to change.