Something Can Come From Nothing
Having a blog and writing can be very therapeutic, but it can also be a pain because sometimes you have nothing to write about, so you have to find something. There is so much going on in the world and politics right now that it is actually hard to find something to write about. For instance, I am trying to think of something to write about when I really don’t have anything to write about. However, there is some irony here: something came from nothing, as I like to say, because when you look at the history of the universe, there was absolutely nothing in the beginning, and then something came from nothing. So if something came from nothing, then hypothetically, there is no such thing as nothing, which means that nothing can be turned into something. So next time you are writing a blog and don’t have something to write about, just start writing what’s in your head, and that nothing will turn into something. So remember, something can be created out of nothing.