We all know and love the story of the majestic Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer. Well, we might not have known it, if it weren't for one foggy night. You see Santa had always used his reindeer that he knew and was familiar with to guide his sleigh and help him deliver the presents. Meanwhile on the side, minding his own business, there was another reindeer who just wanted to fit in like all the others. He wanted to play games with the other reindeer, but there was something different about Rudolf,. He had a very shiny red nose. The others were mean to him, made fun of him and wouldn’t let him play in any of their games.
But as we all know, one foggy Christmas Eve, Santa and the other reindeer couldn’t find their way. Then Santa, noticed Rudolph had a bright shiny nose and asked him to guide his sleigh. I think that Rudulph might have been a little confused and scared and didn’t know what to make of the situation because he’d never been asked by his boss to do anything before. He finally found his courage within and said yes. He wanted to show the reindeer that he was as good as they were. So guess what? Rudolph managed to guide Santa’s sleigh and did it better than any of the other reindeer. Santa delivered all of the presents on time, thanks to Rudolph and he became the most popular reindeer. They shouted to Rudolph, “You’ll go down in history!”
And he did. Otherwise we wouldn’t be writing about him now. “.
This is a great story to read to kids so that they can learn that just because somebody is different, doesn’t mean that people should be prejudiced against them. I believe that teachers should read this story to all of their students every year.. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer is also a great story because it teaches you that all it takes is one person to believe in you. No matter who you are or how different you are,,one day somebody will see something special in you that no one else has seen. Once that someone gives you a chance to show that you can do something that nobody else can do, then people will see that you are no different and maybe even better than anybody else. Happy holidays!.
I love this! Beautiful message Quinn