Reaping What We Sow
I have never comprehended the human brain and most people baffle me for that reason. I think that human beings are some of the most cynical animals on this planet, and possibly in the universe (I say universe because we are obviously not alone). It’s not just the senseless wars and violence that I don’t understand, but the way that we treat each other as humans, especially the way Americans treat other Americans, really bothers me. For example; race and gender identity. What the hell is that all about? Any decent human should know that we have to treat everybody with respect. My parents taught me the golden rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” which is in the Encyclopedia. This rule is not in the bible, however, it comes from an actual sermon that Jesus gave on the Mount: “All things… that you want men to do to you, you also must do to them” (Mathew 7:12; Luke 6:31).
There are some rules in the bible that are good and that we should always follow, however, there are others that we shouldn’t follow. In the bible, it says, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife and the two shall become one flesh.” Ephesians 5:31. The bible says in general a man and his wife, but it does not say that a man cannot marry another man or a woman cannot marry another woman. There are no vows, no priests, no rituals, no prayers, no pronouncements, no licenses, and no registrations. I’m not much of a religious person in general but lately, I have become a bit more interested in the bible and I have noticed something… Jesus was a kind person, (he only got upset once in his life when he saw two people gambling). Jesus preached love and wanted to help everybody, no matter who they were, which to me means that the LGBTQ community shouldn’t have to be fighting for their rights at all- and neither should anybody. I have several gay family members, and if I told you what they accomplished in their lives, you probably wouldn’t believe me. My great uncle Frank Crowninshield was gay and ended up the creator and Editor of Vanity Fair Magazine. For this and so many other reasons, you cannot tell me that LGBTQ people can’t contribute to society, because they are so valid and important to society.