This week was my wife’s birthday and I just can’t believe that I have been with her for seven other birthdays. I always say that I feel like I’ve been married to her for 50 years, which is the best feeling ever, but I also feel like every time we go out it’s our first date. For her birthday we went to a restaurant in Tyson Virginia called Circa. Now when I heard that name I thought maybe my wife picked this place because of the name and that maybe there is a Spanish word ‘circa’ that I wasn’t familiar with. As a genealogist, I have always known the word circa to mean ‘about’ like ‘circa 1800 or c.1800’ for example. There is no meaning in the Spanish dialect that I know about.
I would say that the highlight of the night, other than my wife, was getting to ‘marry’ two of our friends at the table. After a couple of drinks, our friends started talking about getting married, then Fabiola pointed out that I am a minister with the Universal Life Church… one thing led to another, and the next thing I knew Fabiola is clinking her glass and announcing that I’m going to marry our friends. Fabiola was at the right end of the table, I was on her left side and our friends were right across from me. There were nine adults, including her sister, and two children there. So I started to speak or try to and I say try because after a couple of cocktails, it’s hard to get your friends to stop talking so you can commence a marriage.
After several interruptions, I was finally able to marry the couple. They are the first couple I’ve officially married other than my wife and I, and I was so honored. I realized later when I went to the bathroom, however, that Virginia does not recognize ministers of the Universal Life Church, so I had to deliver the bad news that they were not officially married. Hopefully, we can catch them in DC sometime soon and it will count. Other than that, the best part of the night was obviously sitting next to my beautiful wife, as well as the little freshly baked cookie they brought out for her at the end of dinner. And even though we had stuffed ourselves with amazing food, Fabiola wanted ice cream from across the street, so that’s what we got. We had such a wonderful evening of laughs and food and friends, and then I got the best prize of all; to go home with my amazing wife!
Happy Birthday to fabulous Fabiola !!!