Maybe Those Kind Of People Should Just Die
Normally, I try to stray from writing about politics, but when politicians or presidents or anybody in that job sector starts bad-mouthing people with disabilities, that’s when I step in. I don’t care who you are, how can you talk about people with disabilities, especially when you have a nephew with physical and cognitive disabilities, and say, “Maybe those kinds of people should just die.” That’s what former president Donald Trump said about his own nephew, William Trump. What is even more sad is not only does he deny that he ever said that, but that the people who follow him cheer him on and laugh. As my readers know, I have Velo Cardio Facial Syndrome (VCFS), also known as DiGeorge Syndrome, and 22q11.2 deletion. Whether or not I have a disability or not, if I had a child with disabilities, I would love them no matter what. Also, as a grandson of an army officer who fought to stop the Holocaust from ever happening ever again, what Donald Trump said sounds an awful lot like what the Nazis did; and they did extinguish people with disabilities. It saddens me that the same type of talk is going on after so many fought and gave their lives to try to stop demonizing people with disabilities 75 years ago or anybody who was different.
For more information on people with disabilities, you can go to my website,