How To Teach Your Kids To Get Ready And Check The Clock To Come Down The Stairs Faster
I think I have come up with an ingenious idea to help get our kids or your child ready in the morning and to come downstairs faster. I am mostly speaking for the oldest Millennials or Generation X who have a child. When we were kids, we didn’t have all of these devices, like iPads, and my least favorite is the iPhone or any smartphone; we simply had coloring books and books. And maybe a little TV and Nintendo and Gameboy when we got a little older. Being the parent of a boy is one thing, but being the step-parent of a girl that’s a whole other level of parenting. Boys put their clothes on and come downstairs, and maybe you will have to tell them to go back upstairs and brush their teeth. Girls, on the other hand, will take an hour to put their make-up on. I am not speaking for all girls back in history, like when our parents or grandparents were growing up. I am mostly speaking for girls and especially tweens these days because these days we have something called Twitter.
Twitter is where our tween girls get most of their inspiration and education on wearing makeup. So I was recently talking with my wife, Fabiola, and she agrees with me, since she is the biological parent, that you should talk to your child and let them know that you will be taking away their phone if they don’t come down in thirty minutes. To them, this will seem like a punishment, but I believe that this will help them to actually check the clock on their phone and or other clocks so they don’t lose their phone and, therefore, will come downstairs faster. This theory of mine should work. I would love to know what other parents' results are in the near future. Happy hunting.