Helping Mental Health
When I was in my mid-teenage years, I remember suffering from depression, which got to the point where I wrote a suicide note at one point. I was staying at my brother’s house in Boston at the time and I remember that I hid it underneath the phone in the room I was staying in. I decided to put it there because I knew somebody was going to find it and it was my brother’s wife, at the time, who found it and she immediately called my mother. I don’t remember what exactly she said, but now that I am an adult and think about it, I know why I wrote that letter. Yes, I was feeling depressed, but more than anything, I just wanted somebody to notice me. I was, of course, being noticed, but when you suffer from depression, you feel like a ghost, and when somebody does write a suicide note, it’s most likely because they feel that they are not getting the attention that they need.
My depression is nowhere near as bad as it was, and I am now taking a medicine called Effexor. For the last 20 years, it has done me wonders, and I highly recommend it; of course, it may not work for everybody because anybody who has depression has a different level of it, so the best thing to do is to see a psychiatrist to help you figure out how many milligrams you need to take. Another thing that I have learned that helps people with depression is being outside because I personally think that being outside is better for people with depression than being inside. Also, if they are good at music or any other activity, you should concentrate on that; always concentrate on what you are good at, but try other things as well in life. But the minute you feel that you are depressed at all, you should see a psychiatrist. As Monty Python once said, “Always look on the bright side of life.” 😀