I remember when I first saw a picture of the Earth from space and I also remember the first thought that ran through my head: why would anybody not want to care for such a beautiful planet? Why are we destroying it? Why is it that we do more talking than taking action on tending to our planet? If you have ever seen an interview with an astronaut, almost all of them will say that they can cover the Earth looking out of the small window on a rocket or space station and cover our planet with their thumb and these same questions go through their heads. What is happening to us, the people of this world? Why are we fighting? I can’t help but think that if we were to be visited by other worldly beings, and actually have a conversation with them, the first thing they would think of us is that we are not being very smart about what needs to be done.
Sometime ago I read an article about a machine that can suck carbon dioxide right out of the air and turn it into rock. I agree that these world environment meetings are good for this planet, but we should be doing it over the computer if we really care about the planet, instead of all of the private airplanes and limos that world leaders take to gather at one meeting place. When I read this article, as happy as I was to find out that such a machine exists, my heart sank at the same time because all these billionaires and super wealthy people on this planet aren’t investing in it and we should be investing and building these machines all around the world, instead of paying millions of dollars to get on a spaceship for a 12 minute flight, as Tom Hanks put it in an interview with Jimmy Kimmel. Why should the super wealthy invest in this kind of activity rather than in working together to bring the planet to a healthier condition.
As my followers know, my main job is to help people with learning differences, that is what I enjoy doing. However, I almost feel that in order to do that I am going to need to focus on the planet just as much if not a little more than helping people with learning differences. I will try to do both. Infact, we all need to change our ways and concentrate on helping the environment just as much, and also do what we do because if we don’t help the environment we won’t be able to enjoy doing what we enjoy doing the most, living life. If we all start investing in sucking carbon dioxide out of the earth’s atmosphere, the hole that is in our earth’s atmosphere will hopefully start to close up, the glaciers will start to come back, forest fires will decrease and things will start to go back to normal. If we heated up this planet, I have hope that we can cool it back down.
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