Are We Aliens?
“Either we are alone in the universe, or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.”
-Arthur C. Clarke
There is so much speculation about the origins of the human race that I am simply starting to believe that we really are descended from or created by aliens… or both! I now think that maybe our true origin history was drawn and carved in stone thousands of years ago- and I mean long before the pyramids of Egypt. There are pictographs in Western US where ancient native tribes lived that seem to depict alien-like figures painted on stone. On top of that, the first known written accounts of an alien race visiting earth were listed in the ancient Sumerian King List tablets. The lore tells of an alien race that came to visit us called the ‘Anunnaki’ apparently from the planet ‘Nibiru’ that we considered to be gods. When we think of gods, we think of great powerful beings that appear in human form, but I and others are starting to see this philosophy differently; the gods are the sky. I think people back then just didn’t know what to call them. I’ve also always wondered, how and why is it that we are the only species to evolve from animals (monkeys) to humans. Why didn’t any other animals evolve as we did?
The archaeological site that I am most interested in is Pumapunku or Puma Punku, which is near Lake Titicaca in Bolivia. It is said to be where humankind itself was created fifteen thousand years ago. We need not be afraid of our origins. We need to evolve our ideas of evolution and our origins. We need not be afraid of seeing UFOs, and we have to stop covering them up and accept them. There have been so many reports and videos of pilots and people alike seeing UFOs, that the government is finally talking about investigating it, and for the first time considering UFOs as potential threats. Senator Marco Rubio wanted to investigate these Unidentified Aerial Phenomena specifically. We have so many Unidentified Aerial Phenomena being reported lately that I don’t think that we are alone, and some might even be trying to cover up our origins. Why are people who tell stories of being abducted accused of making it up? Why can’t we believe our ancient ancestors who painted these scenes for us so long ago? Why do we still consider them myths and not facts? “Either we are alone in the universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.” -Arther C. Clarke