All Time High for Special Ed Enrollment
I get Google Alerts in my Gmail account, which anybody can customize to what articles they are interested in receiving. I came across an article titled “Special Education Enrollment Hits All-time High.” In other words, every school year, more and more children with special needs enroll in schools. This last school year was the highest enrollment, which was 7.5 million children between the ages of 3 to 21, which is 15% of all students who served under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act this last 2022-2023 school year. This report entitled The Condition of Education was released by the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics.
After reading this article, one thing came to my mind: if there are going to be more kids with special needs every year, that means that we need to train more students in the special education area. Not only that, but the government is going to have to provide the students and teachers with the tools that they need. It’s amazing that when there is a war, the American government will send Billions of endless dollars to aid that country, but schools will never ever see money like that. Why is that? Why doesn’t our government write bills in Congress to send billions of dollars to American schools?
Disability Scoop: Special Education Enrollment Hits All-Time High