A Fragile Thing
President George Washington warned the American people how fragile Democracy is. He also said, “Government is not reason, it is not eloquence-it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.” We are living in a historical moment in our country; never before has the media said that both presidents need to go, and never before has the media, which is mostly democratic, said that a democratic president needs to resign. I myself used to be a staunch Democrat, and now the older I get, the more of an Independent I become because I feel that the democratic party says what they are going to do to change the country and make it a better place, but they never tell you how they will execute their plan. The Republicans, on the other hand, will give you a little bit of a hint and make you believe that they actually will do something, but they will only get one of their plans partly completed.
In my own words, Democracy is the summit of Mount Everest; on a clear day, you can see the top, but that is almost never the case. We must work in congregations fighting the elements of nature and of mankind, meaning man and woman of all colors. You can be the most seasoned climber/politician, but with one little mistake, you will not fall and break bones, but you will perish and the rest of the team will suffer for it. Abraham Lincoln once said, “Every man can make himself,” and I would like to add: It all depends on how he or she draws his own chart to contemplate the five elements of nature because though they are free to draw their lives, they may also suffer the consequences of their own actions.